About keys, tunneling, and more

Generating a key

  • Install SSH
  • Create key pairs:
    $ ssh-keygen -t dsa -b 4096 -C "" -N ""
  • By default, the files named id_dsa.pub and id_dsa are created, the later one is the private key
  • Copy the public key to the remote server as ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 (for SSHv2, if for SSHv1, it is authorized_keys)
  • Please make sure that the directory ~/.ssh and your home directory is in mode 0755 (i.e. only writable by the owner) and owned by the home owner

Using SSH agent

  • Just a command, then it will spawn a shell for you
    $ ssh-agent /bin/bash -c 'ssh-add < /dev/null && /bin/bash'
  • In the spawned shell, do your work and you will get passed on SSH without passphase


Assume the network looks like this:

[] -- [MachineA]--[internet]--[MachineB]--[]

The game is as follows:

User at MachineA accessing

A user using MachineA want to connect to directly. As the Internet would not route for such IP, we set up a tunnel between MachineA and MachineB for that. The result is, SSH listen on port 3210 of MachineA. For whatever connection established to that port, it is tunneled over the Internet and, from MachineB, forwarded to

This is called local binding:

MachineA$ ssh -L 3210: MachineB

then, MachineA’s is listened. Users on MachineA can connect to to mean to connect to

If, on MachineA, shall be listened instead of, use option -g:

MachineA$ ssh -g -L 3210: MachineB

User at MachineB allows users at MachineA accessing

Same problem, but this time, a user at MachineB creates the tunnel instead of a user at MachineA:

MachineB$ ssh -R 3210: MachineA

This is the remote binding. Like the case above, is listened on MachineA. And also likewise, use option -g to listen on instead.

Creating a SOCKS server

The local binding or remote binding creates an explicit tunnel for a specific IP:port pair. To make the tunnel generally usable for all IP:port instead of just one, we have to use a proxy server.

SSH supports SOCKS4 and SOCKS5. It is similar to local binding except no destination IP and port number needed:

MachineA$ ssh -D 3210 MachineB

This command creates a SOCKS server at at MachineA. A client shall speak SOCKS protocol to this port to request a connection to some port at a machine in Such connection will then delivered over the SSH to MachineB, i.e. encrypted. MachineB will create such connection on behalf of the client.

Multihop SSH tunneling

In SSH, there is a feature named ProxyCommand. What this means is that, when you want to connect to a host, instead of directly setting up a socket to that host, you do it over another command. A common use is the following:

localhost <--> mediate1 <--> mediate2 <--> remotehost

Then you can do a SSH login from losthost to remotehost by using ProxyCommand constructs. A convenient way is to set up the following in ~/.ssh/config in localhost (another way is to use -oproxycommand in command line)

Host remotehost
  user remotelogin
  port 22
  hostname remotehost.domain
  ProxyCommand ssh mediate2 nc %h %p

Host mediate2
  user mediate2login
  port 22
  hostname mediate2.domain
  ProxyCommand ssh mediate1 nc %h %p

Host mediate1
  user mediate1login
  port 22
  hostname mediate1.domain

Afterwards, in localhost, we can login to remotehost using account remotelogin by simply invoking:

$ ssh remotehost

New in OpenSSH 5.4: Instead of using netcat externally, we can use -W option to do the same thing, now the ProxyCommand line becomes

ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p mediate2
