NFS Server

To create a NFS server on Mac OS X:

  • Create /etc/exports (see man 5 exports) for detail
  • Bring up NFS daemons
    • /usr/sbin/portmap: Loaded if being a NFS client
    • /usr/sbin/mountd: Loaded if being a NFS client
    • /sbin/nfsd

But if you created /etc/exports, the NFS daemon will probably launched at boot time by /System/Library/StartupItems/NFS/NFS

Hidden users

To hide a user in OS X (as of 10.4.x), call the terminal and execute as root:

# defaults write /Library/Preferences/ HiddenUsersList -array-add user1 user2 ...

and to unhide all, execute:

# defaults delete /Library/Preferences/ HiddenUsersList

If you want to hide an account just for the administrative privilege, simply create a user named “Administrator” and short name “Admin” (case sensitive) which is the only administrator account in the system, then it would be hidden from the login screen.

Finder font size

To change font size of your finder window: Edit $HOME/Library/Preferences/ and look for the key


which in the hierarchy, you can change FontSize and IconSize to appropriate value.

If your plist file is not ASCII, change it with plutil.

Changing UID/GID

Go to the terminal and execute with root:

# niutil -createprop . /users/[username] uid [new uid]
# find / -user [old uid] -exec chown [username] \{\} \;

or you can do the same thing as niutil using the NetInfo Manager. Changing GID is similar.

Prevent .DS_Store creating at network drives

The .DS_Store file is remembering the window position, icon size, etc of your finder window. It is good if you need it but it is annoying if you don’t, especially when you use the file between a Mac, a Windows and a Linux. To turn off the creation of .DS_Store on networked directories, execute:

$ defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores true