
Use: put the following line in somewhere of the HTML

<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/prototype.js"></script>

Referring to objects

In HTML, we can identify objects by the id tag:

<div id="whatever">
  blah blah

To refer to that particular piece of object in JavaScript, we uses


and in prototype.js, we can use


and hence the following are equivalent:

var foo = $("bar");
var foo = getElementById("bar");

The $() syntax can be used as an array:

var objs = $("objA", "objB");
for (i=0; i<objs.length; i++) {
    objs[i].innerHTML = blah blah blah;

Also, we can refer to an array of objects by HTML tag name (built-in) and by class name (provided by prototype.js), e.g.

objs = document.getElementsByClassName("blah");
for (i=0; i<objs.length; i++) {
    objs[i].innerHTML = blah blah blah;

objs = document.getElementsByTagName("span");
for (i=0; i<objs.length; i++) {
    objs[i].innerHTML = blah blah blah;

In case we have some value from a form, we can firstly, code the HTML as follows:

<select name="foo" id="foo">
   <option value="one">un</option>
   <option value="two">deux</option>

then the following will get back the value:

var foo = $F("foo");   // "one" or "two"

But it cannot pass on multiple IDs like $() does. To get everything from a form (with id), use the following syntax:

var objs = Form.getElements("formId");
for (i=0; i<objs.length; i++) {
    // blah blah blah

Moreover, to help sending AJAX request, we can serialize a form as follows:

  var string = Form.serialize("formId");
  // string = field1=value1&field2=value2&field3=...

Side note: If we need an array in the form (e.g. filling a table in HTML), we can use the following way:

<input type="text" id="name[]" />
<input type="text" id="name[]" />
<input type="text" id="name[]" />

Then when passed to PHP, you use $_POST['name'] will get an array of three elements.

Coding help

Choose one from a list: We can avoid a set of if-then-else by using Try.these. This structure will return the first one that executed correctly. For example, the following means to get a suitable HTTP request object:

var transportRequest = Try.these(
        function() {return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP')},
        function() {return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')},
        function() {return new XMLHttpRequest()}

AJAX support

By example:

var myAjax = new Ajax.Request(
    ajaxhandler.php,    // The URL
    { method: 'post',    // default if not specified
      parameters: 'field1=value1&field2=value2',    // Parameter (optional)
      onComplete: responsehandler    // Call this func on response (optional)

function responsehandler(RequestObj) {
  // process RequestObj.responseText

The parameter to the request can be either as a hash:

parameters: {field: value, field: value},

or as a string:

parameters: 'field=value&field=value',

or directly generate a string from a form:

parameters: $('formId').serialize(true),

Instead of onComplete, the Ajax.Request can also bear onSuccess and onFailure to distinguish HTML errors. Anonymous function can also be used there. Other onXXX callbacks are:

  • onUninitialized
  • onLoading
  • onLoaded
  • onInteractive
  • onException

Periodic execution

We can periodically call a function:

new PeriodicalExecuter( func , time );
    // func: A JavaScript function going to be called
    // time: Number of seconds between execution

See also Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater for AJAX-only use of periodic execution.


OOP: Create a class can be done by using the Class object, e.g.

var myClass = Class.create();

and defining a class is done by using prototype, e.g.

  myClass.prototype = {
       initialize : function(foo) {
           // constructor
           this.bar = foo;

Inheritance: Use the syntax: Object.extend(destination, source), this will copy all the properties, fields, and methods from the source class to the destination class. For example, the following will set several default options and merge with the argument-provided options:

setOptions: function(options) {
        this.options = {
            method:       'post',
            asynchronous: true,
            parameters:   ''
        Object.extend(this.options, options || {});

Function binding: Bind a function to an object using syntax Function.prototype.bind(object). For example:

var myObject = new Object();
myObject.message = "Hello!";
myObject.eventHandler = function() {

$("mydiv").onmouseover = myObject.eventHandler.bind(myObject);

This will make sure the this pointer points to an object (myObject) currectly, instead of the object ($("mydiv"))who triggers it.

Event Listener binding: Similar to above, but allows an event object passed on to a function as argument. For example:

myObject.eventHandler = function(event) {

$("mydiv").onmouseover = myObject.eventHandler.bindAsEventListener(myObject);

Number conversion: Number.prototype.toColorPart() converts a number into its two digit hexadecimal equivalent (ie. 255 => FF, 10 => 0A, etc.).

PeriodicalExecuter: Used to call a specific function at regular intervals.