Let $string be a string.

Substring extraction:

  • ${string:n} extract string from position n onward, which n$\ge 0$.
  • ${string:n:m} extract string from position n onward for m characters, which n$\ge 0$ and m$\ge 1$.

Substring replacement:

  • ${string/pattern/replacement} replace only the first match. The pattern is a globbing and replacement is a text string.
  • ${string//pattern/replacement} replace with all matches.
  • ${string/#pattern/replacement} replace only if pattern at beginning of the string.
  • ${string/%pattern/replacement} replace only if pattern at end of the string.

Substring removal:

  • ${string##pattern} delete the longest match of substring from the front of string, pattern is a globbing
  • ${string%%pattern} delete the longest match of substring from the back of string
  • ${string#pattern} delete the shortest match of substring from the front of string
  • ${string%pattern} delete the shortest match of substring from the back of string

String length:

  • ${#string} gives the number of characters in string

With these, a basename command can be replaced by the following

FILENAME=${PATHNAME##*/} # myfile.pdf
BASENAME=${FILENAME%.pdf} # myfile