The following describes some important CSS attributes to layout elements on a page.

display attribute

display attribute present in every HTML element, it takes the value of the following among others:

  • block: begin from a new line and extend for full width, like a <p>
  • inline: element to place inside a paragraph, like a <span> or <a>
  • none: element is not shown and not occupy any space, like <script>
    • on contrary, visibility:hidden will occupy space but not shown
  • inline-box: like inline but honours width and height to set the box size
    • vertical-align set for what should be the baseline for the box element

other possible values of display: flow, table, or list-item, etc.

Box model

margin attribute: clearance outside a box model. Set to auto to make an element with fixed width (e.g., width or max-width attributes) to position at the middle.

padding attribute: clearance inside a box model, between border and the content.

border attribute: the border of a box model, in between margin and padding

box-sizing attribute: define what width should measure. By default it is the content. Setting this to border-box will make the width measuring border which includes the padding outisde content.

flex attribute is for “remaining width” on a row. All elements on the row with the flex attribute set to a number will divide the width in proportion according to this value. flex: none will exclude the element from sharing the remaining width but keeps the size it specified by width attribute.


The position attribute describes how left, right, top, and bottom should be interpreted. It can be static (default, in its current position), relative (offset from its current position), fixed (fixed relative to browser window according), absolute (relative to its closest parent container that has position attribute set to relative, fixed or absolute.

The float attribute (set to left or right) is to move elements to left or right of the “row” regardless its position in the DOM. With a fixed size can make text flowing around an image, for example. Setting clear attribute to left or right or both can forbid other floating elements to position at this element’s left or right but at its top and bottom instead.

When a container has a float element, it may overflow as a float element too big may not bounded by the container. Setting overflow attribute to auto will expand the container to cover it.

If we do not set display: inline-box, using float is the solution to position a sequence of boxes on a row.

multiple columns

Only in CSS3, setting column-count and the column-gap can layout text inside a box element in multiple columns
