Intel intrinsics is available in many compliers (VC++, gcc, clang, icc) to allow SIMD programming using vector instruction sets from MMX to AVX2/3.

Below is an example, the key thing is the x86intrin.h header and the __m128 data type:

// adapted from
// compile with: clang -std=c11 -msse3 example.c -o example
#include <x86intrin.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    float mem[4];
    __m128 v = _mm_set_ps(2, 3, 5, 7);
    __m128 sq = _mm_mul_ps(v, v);
    _mm_store_ps(mem, sq);
    printf("%f, %f , %f, %f\n", mem[0], mem[1], mem[2], mem[3]);
    return 0;

The SIMD instructions are for fine-grain parallelism which in the ideal we shouldn’t care because the complier should be smart enough to use it as part of code optimization. But if we do, we are dealing with a pack of \(n\) primitive data types (e.g. float, ouble, int) into \(k\) bits. For example, in SSE3 we have registers of 128 bits (AVX has 256 bits) that holds the following:

__m128  f; /* = 4 float, SSE */
__m128d d; /* = 2 double, SSE2 */
__m128i i; /* = integers, can be 8-128 bits */

Operation on vector types are, like the example above, basically construct vector from scalars, populate array of scalars from vector, and manipulation on vectors. The following

__m128 v = _mm_set_ps(2, 3, 5, 7);

set vector v with four single precision floats, with the first one (2) at the MSB side of the vector and last (7) at the LSB side. To dump the vector back to array of scalar,

_mm_store_ps(mem, sq);

so the first element of the array (mem[0]) is the one packed at the LSB side of the vector. Finally the operation

__m128 sq = _mm_mul_ps(v, v);

is to manipulate on vectors and return another vector. Basically all those SIMD instructions are using a prefix of _mm and imported by the header x86intrin.h. Intel has an intrinsics guide for us to look up the usage of these hundreds of functions, and there is a cheatsheet that summarize them.

Below is another example, trying to plot Mandelbrot set on text screen:

// adapted from
// compile with: clang -std=c11 -msse3 mandel.c -o mandel
#include <stdio.h>
#include <complex.h>
#include <x86intrin.h>

/* complex norm using SIMD: |(z1j+z0)| = z0^2 + z1^2
static inline double cnorm(const __m128d z) {
    const __m128d sq = _mm_mul_pd(z, z);      // _mm_mul_pd : (a1,a0)x(b1,b0) -> (a1*b1, a0*b0)
    const __m128d norm = _mm_hadd_pd(sq, sq); // _mm_hadd_pd : (a1,a0)x(b1,b0) -> (b1+b0, a1+a0)
    double mem[2];
    _mm_store_pd(mem, norm);
    return mem[0]; // mem[0] == mem[1] here
/* complex multiplication: (w1j+w0)*(z1j+z0) = (w1z0+w0z1)j + (w0z0-w1z1)
static inline __m128d cmul(const __m128d w, const __m128d z) {
    const __m128d w0 = _mm_unpacklo_pd(w, w); // _mm_unpacklo_pd : (a1,a0)x(b1,b0) -> (a0,b0)
    const __m128d w1 = _mm_unpackhi_pd(w, w); // _mm_unpacklo_hi : (a1,a0)x(b1,b0) -> (a1,b1)
    const __m128d c = _mm_mul_pd(w0, z);      // c == (w0*z1,w0*z0)
    const __m128d z_ = _mm_shuffle_pd(z, z, 0b01);// _mm_shuffle_pd( (a1,a0), (b1,b0), 0b01) -> (b0,a1)
    const __m128d d = _mm_mul_pd(w1, z_);     // d == (w1*z0,w1*z1)
    return _mm_addsub_pd(c, d);               // _mm_addsub_pd : (a1,a0)x(b1,b0) -> (a1+b1,a0-b0)
/* mandelbrot: packed double as complex number c, z_0 = c, iterative i<50 times
 * on z := z*z+c and find the threshold of i for |z|>4
static int mandel(const __m128d c) {
    __m128d z = c;
    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
        if (cnorm(z) > 4.0) return i;
        z = _mm_add_pd(cmul(z, z), c);
    return -1;
static char plot(int n) {
    return (n == -1) ? '@' :
           (n > 10)  ? '*' :
           (n > 5)   ? '+' :
           (n > 3)   ? '-' :
           (n > 2)   ? '.' :
                       ' ';
int main() {
    // screen size 80x24 chars
    const int w = 150, h = 50;
    for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
            // complex coordinate at (x,y), mapping the screen onto [-1,1]x[-1,1]
            const double re = 2.0 * (2.0 * x / w - 1.0), im = (2.0 * y / h - 1.0); 
            putchar(plot(mandel(_mm_set_pd(im, re))));
    return 0;



Brief timeline of the Intel’s evolution of vector instruction set extensions:

  • 1996, Pentium, MMX
    • integers, 64-bit = 2x32 or 8x8
  • 1999, Pentium III, SSE
    • 4 single precision float
    • 8 128-bit registers
  • 2001, Penium 4, SSE2
    • 2-way float ops in double precision
  • 2004, Pentium 4E Prescott, SSE3
    • 2-way and 4-way vector instructions
  • 2006, Core Duo, SSSE3
  • 2007, Core2 Duo Penryn, SSE4
  • 2011, Sandy Bridge, AVX
  • 2013, Haswell, AVX2