A short paper on comparing different algorithms to do feature selection in spam filtering problems.

The paper describe spam filtering based on textual content as a text categorization problem. The text is represented by a vector space model but a naive way of doing so will result in a vector of very high dimension and sparse. Feature selection is to choose only the most powerful discriminatory terms from the vector.

This paper is just report of experimental result. The settings are as follows:

  • email converted into vectors by TF-IDF
  • 1099 emails from Pu1Corpus, with 481 marked as spam
  • K-nearest neighbor is used as the classifier
    • given candidate email vector, find the KNN, then label email by the most common class among these neighbors
    • nearest by Euclidean distance
  • vectorization: consider the top 100 features according to document frequency (DF)
    • DF range: 0.02 to 0.5
    • feature selection algorithm then applied to find the most powerful discriminatory terms among the 100

Four feature selection algorithms are discussed in the paper:

Hill climbing:

  • local neighborhood search, stops if neighborhood does not contain an improving solution
  • may settle at first local optimum
def Y(features, selected):
    # accuracy evaluation

def hill_climbing(features)
	'''Hill climbing algorithm, to find a neighbor differ by k=2 features. Goes
	for 1000 steps
    N = len(features)
    selected = [bool(random.randint(0,1)) for _ in range(N)]
	for _ in range(1000):
	    flipped = random.choices(range(N), k=2)
	    neighbor = [not x if i in flipped else x for i, x in enumerate(selected)]
	    if Y(features, selected) < Y(features, neighbor):
		    selected = neighbor
	return selected

Simulated annealing:

  • local search inspired by cooling processes of molten metals
  • hill climbing with probabilistic acceptance of non-improving moves, with probability \(p(s_1, s_2) = \exp\left(-\frac{1}{T}\max(0, Y(s_1)-Y(s_2))\right)\) where \(s_1,s_2\) are the neighbors, \(Y(s)\) is the accuracy evaluation function, and \(T\) the temperature (a control parameter) which decreases with iterations and converges to 0, e.g. geometric sequence
  • the probabilistic acceptance favors small deteriorations of the objective function
def simulated_annealing(features)
	'''SA algorithm, to find a neighbor differ by k=2 features. Goes
	for 1000 steps with temperature defined as recipocal of iteration
	count, i.e., harmonic sequence
    N = len(features)
    selected = [bool(random.randint(0,1)) for _ in range(N)]
	for inv_t in range(1000):
	    flipped = random.choices(range(N), k=2)
	    neighbor = [not x if i in flipped else x for i, x in enumerate(selected)]
		Y1 = Y(features, selected)
		Y2 = Y(features, neighbor)
        T = 1.0/inv_T
		threshold = math.exp(-max(0, Y1-Y2)/T)
		if random.random() <= threshold:
		    selected = neighbor
	return selected

Threshold accepting:

  • a variation of simulated annealing such that the acceptance of neighbor that leads to deteriorated objective function is based on a deterministic threshold rather than probabilistic
def threshold_accepting(features)
	'''TA algorithm, to find a neighbor differ by k=2 features. Goes
	for 1000 steps with acceptance threshold of 0.66 in values of Y(s)
    N = len(features)
    selected = [bool(random.randint(0,1)) for _ in range(N)]
	for _ in range(1000):
	    flipped = random.choices(range(N), k=2)
	    neighbor = [not x if i in flipped else x for i, x in enumerate(selected)]
		Y1 = Y(features, selected)
		Y2 = Y(features, neighbor)
		if Y1 - Y2 < 0.66:
		    selected = neighbor
	return selected

Linear discriminant analysis (LDA):

  • similar to PCA, to determine the set of the most discriminate projection axis
  • assume feature samples from two different classes be \(x^{(1)} = \{x^{(1)}_1, x^{(1)}_2, \cdots, x^{(1)}_{L_1}\}\) and \(x^{(2)} = \{x^{(2)}_1, x^{(2)}_2, \cdots, x^{(2)}_{L_2}\}\) (each is a set of vectors), and \(x = x^{(1)}\cup x^{(2)}\), the linear discriminant is

    \[\begin{align} \mathbf{w}^{\ast} &= \arg \max_\mathbf{w} J(\mathbf{w}) = \frac{\mathbf{w}^T\mathbf{S}_B\mathbf{w}}{\mathbf{w}^T\mathbf{S}_W\mathbf{w}} \\ \textrm{with}\quad \mathbf{S}_B &= (\mathbf{m}_1 - \mathbf{m}_2)(\mathbf{m}_1 - \mathbf{m}_2)^T \\ \mathbf{S}_W &= \sum_{i=1,2}\sum_{\mathbf{x}\in x^{(i)}} (\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{m}_i)(\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{m}_i)^T \end{align}\]

    LDA is to find the direction \(\mathbf{w}\) which maximize the projected class means (numerator) while minimizing the class variance in the same direction (denominator)

The paper show by experiment that the performance is SA > TA > HC > LDA, without rationale given.

Bibliographic data

   title = "On some feature selection strategies for spam filter design",
   author = "Ren Wang and Amr M. Youssef and Ahmed K. Elhakeem",
   booktitle = "IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering",
   month = "May",
   year = "2006",
   pages = "2155--2158",
   url = "https://users.encs.concordia.ca/~youssef/Publications/Papers/On%20Some%20Feature%20Selection%20Strategies%20for%20Spam%20Filter%20Design.pdf",