He, Gkioxari and Dollar and Girshick (2017) Mask R-CNN

This is the Mask R-CNN paper. It extends Faster R-CNN to produce pixel masks, i.e., for semantic segmentation. It extends Faster R-CNN by adding a branch for predicting segmentation masks on each Region of Interest (RoI). However, this have to support with RoIAlign instead of RoIPooling, to avoid error introduced... [more]

WireGuard VPN

WireGuard is regarded as the only right way to do VPN. There are quite many benefit of using that. While the configuration is easy, you need to understand what it is doing to properly set it up. [more]

Ren, He, Girshick, Sun (2016) Faster R-CNN

This is the Faster R-CNN paper. It improves over Fast R-CNN and R-CNN in the sense that region proposals are generated from the image. It combines a region proposal network (RPN) with the Fast R-CNN detection network so the convolutional network part is shared. It eliminated the use of region... [more]