Points to note on using gcc over Intel Mac:

  • gcc 3.3 is not working for Intel platform (no libraries available)
  • gcc 4.0 is the only thing that can link Intel code, due to the libraries’ availability
  • packages to install (ref: XCode 2.4.1)
    • BSDSDK (command line handling stuff)
    • DevSDK (important: /usr/lib/crt1.o resides here)
    • gcc-4.0 (the working compiler)
    • gcc-3.3 (the required stuff, but not used by me)
  • the installed packages will store a receipt over /Library/Receipts
    • e.g. BSDSDK: /Library/Receipts/BSDSDK.pkg
    • a bill-of-materials (BOM) file contains a list of files installed by this package
    • to read BOM, use lsbom
    • e.g.: lsbom -l -f -p f /Library/Receipts/BSDSDK.pkg/Contents/Archive.bom