Bloom filter gives a \(O(1)\)-efficient way to test for set memberships, but with false positives and no false negatives, i.e. it will tell you \(x\in S\) while actually it is not, but not vice versa.

To get a data structure for similar set membership testing, but with false negatives only, is an interesting problem. Google it you will see the (only?) solution as a direct-mapped cache. Use a fix-size hash table and a hash function, and assume the item is hashable and comparable, then

class cache:
    size = 100
    table = [None]*size
    def add(item):
        table[hash(item) % size] = item
    def isMember(item):
        return table[hash(item) % size] == item

It has false negative because the item in the hash table could be erased.
