My sis got a Canon PowerShot A80 digital camera. But what I am used to is those Sony brands. The Sony brands is very friendly to Linux that, they are just a USB disk when connected to the computer. However, Canon doesn’t work in this way.

Canon’s cam is neither a USB disk nor any other device with drivers. But it is not unusable at all — I can use gphoto2 with it.

First of all, of course, you need to install the gphoto2 in Linux. After that, I list out to see if the program can support the A80 cam by:

$ gphoto2 --list-cameras | grep A80
       "Canon PowerShot A80 (normal mode)"
       "Canon PowerShot A80 (PTP)"

That’s it! It is essential that you describe your cam exactly as the above string. Here is what I did:

$ gphoto2 --camera="Canon PowerShot A80 (normal mode)" -L
Detected a 'Canon:PowerShot A80 (normal mode)'.
There are no files in folder '/'.
There are no files in folder '/DCIM'.
There are 6 files in folder '/DCIM/100CANON':
#1     AUT_0001.JPG               rd   791 KB image/jpeg
#2     AUT_0002.JPG               rd   839 KB image/jpeg
#3     AUT_0003.JPG               rd   757 KB image/jpeg
There are no files in folder '/DCIM/CANONMSC'.
There are no files in folder '/MISC'.

Now I can see that I have in my cam. The next thing is to get all the photos out of the cam:

$ gphoto2 --camera="Canon PowerShot A80 (normal mode)" -f '/DCIM/100CANON' -P
Detected a 'Canon:PowerShot A80 (normal mode)'.
Downloading 'AUT_0001.JPG' from folder '/DCIM/100CANON'...
Saving file as AUT_0001.JPG
Downloading 'AUT_0002.JPG' from folder '/DCIM/100CANON'...
Saving file as AUT_0002.JPG
Downloading 'AUT_0003.JPG' from folder '/DCIM/100CANON'...
Saving file as AUT_0003.JPG

After that, I can free up the memory from the compact flash card by deleting the files and removing the directioy:

$ gphoto2 --camera="Canon PowerShot A80 (normal mode)" -f '/DCIM/100CANON' -D
Detected a 'Canon:PowerShot A80 (normal mode)'.
$ gphoto2 --camera="Canon PowerShot A80 (normal mode)" -f '/DCIM' -r 100CANON
Detected a 'Canon:PowerShot A80 (normal mode)'.

Afterwards, have a check to make sure I did these correctly:

$ gphoto2 --camera="Canon PowerShot A80 (normal mode)" -L
Detected a 'Canon:PowerShot A80 (normal mode)'.
There are no files in folder '/'.
There are no files in folder '/DCIM'.
There are no files in folder '/DCIM/CANONMSC'.
There are no files in folder '/MISC'.

As a reference, I keep the gphoto2 command line options here:

$ gphoto2
Usage: gphoto2 [-?|--help] [--usage] [--debug] [--quiet] [--force-overwrite]
       [-v|--version] [--list-cameras] [--list-ports] [--stdout]
       [--stdout-size] [--auto-detect] [--port=path] [--speed=speed]
       [--camera=model] [--filename=filename] [--usbid=usbid]
       [-a|--abilities] [-f|--folder folder] [-R|--recurse] [--no-recurse]
       [-l|--list-folders] [-L|--list-files] [-m|--mkdir STRING]
       [-r|--rmdir STRING] [-n|--num-files] [-p|--get-file STRING]
       [-P|--get-all-files] [-t|--get-thumbnail STRING]
       [-T|--get-all-thumbnails] [--get-raw-data=STRING] [--get-all-raw-data]
       [--get-audio-data=STRING] [--get-all-audio-data]
       [-d|--delete-file STRING] [-D|--delete-all-files]
       [-u|--upload-file STRING] [--config] [--capture-preview]
       [--capture-image] [--capture-movie] [--capture-sound]
       [--show-exif=STRING] [--show-info=STRING] [--summary] [--manual]
       [--about] [--shell]