It is just a small page, but used some AJAX techniques and libraries to develop. The structure is as follows.

moo.fx and accordion

From a higher-level point of view, it is three pages combined into one. The way I combined them is to use moo.fx — it is something like simplified version of scriptaculous. But what I needed is the Accordion effect. I created an accordion using three menuitem div’s and three box div’s. This is my JavaScript

function init(){
        var stretchers = document.getElementsByClassName('box');
        var toggles = document.getElementsByClassName('menuItem');
        var myAccordion = new fx.Accordion(
                toggles, stretchers, {'opacity':false, 'height':true, 'duration':600}
        //hash functions
        var found = false;
        toggles.each(function(h3, i){
                var div = Element.find(h3, 'nextSibling');
                if (window.location.href.indexOf(h3.title) > 0) {
                        found = true;
        if (!found) myAccordion.showThisHideOpen(stretchers[0]);


and this is my HTML

<div id="menu">
    <div id="menuSep">|</div><div class="menuItem"><a href="#">gallery</a></div>
    <div id="menuSep">|</div><div class="menuItem"><a href="#">info</a></div>
    <div id="menuSep">|</div><div class="menuItem"><a href="#">guest book</a></div>
    <div id="menuSep">|</div>
<div id="content">
    <div class="box">
    <div class="box">
    <div class="box">

The anchor tag around menuItem is required because of IE. Otherwise IE users cannot catch the onClick event and the Accordion would not work. The effect of Accordion is that, the n-th menuItem will correspond to the n-th box. If a menuItem is clicked, only the corresponding box will be shown and every other boxes would be closed (hidden). The flipping of box is an animation (page scrolling up or down), which is provided by the moo.fx package.

Slide show

The slide show is done by yet another package, called mooShow. It is based on moo.fx and doing a picture slideshow. However, I modified it moderately to add some more effects, namely:

  • pictures are automatically changed periodically
  • when pictures are changed manually or automatically, it is done by fade-out, then resize the frame, then fade-in

The first modification is to call the nextImage() function periodically, when the autoscroll option is set to yes. The key function is this one:

function autoScroll(showName,period) {
    // Auto-scrolling function
    if (mooShows[showName].timeoutID) {
    mooShows[showName].timeoutID = setTimeout("autoScroll('"+showName+"',"+period+")", period);

The above function is to set a timer to call the nextImage() function every period milliseconds. Once it is called for the first time, it will change the picture periodically. But how can I call it the first time? Add some code! Firstly, I added the scroll() function in to mooshow object as follows:

scroll: function() {
    if (this.autoscroll == 'yes') {

then I changed create_mooshow() function and add the following line at the very end: mooShows[showName].scroll(); and it is all set.

The way mooShow get its options is to call eval(xxx.innerHTML), so that the options can be put inside the HTML area, this is a neat and fabulous technique.

The second modification, the fade-out effect is done by extending the mooshow class. I first rename the loadImage() function to loadRealImage() function and use the following loadImage() function:

loadImage: function() {
    // Fade out the current image, then call loadRealImage
    showName =;     // get showname

    // Fade out the current one
    this.fader = new fx.Opacity(showName+'_image', {duration: mooShows[showName].fadeSpeed, onComplete:function() {

I don’t directly modify the loadImage() function is because I need to wait for the fade-out finish before loading the image and do a fade-in. Otherwise, you will never see the fade-out effect because the resizing of image frame would be done immediately because of the asynchronous dynamics of moo.fx. Hence the way I do this is to keep the loadImage() function intact but renamed it, and after I finished the fading out, I start to do what shall be done originally.

Guest book

The final part of the web page is the guest book. It is something done in a very ad-hoc manner. Let’s look at the code of guestbook.js first:

var gStart;     // integer

function gSubmit() {
        // Collect the fields in table "input" and submit and call gInit();
        var params = { name:$F("name"), email:$F("email"), msg:$F("text") };
        var qryStr = $H(params).toQueryString();
        var ajaxObj = new Ajax.Request("/~adrian/wedding/gSave.php", {method: 'post', parameters: qryStr, onComplete: gInit });

function gScrollUp() {

function gScrollDown() {

function gLoad() {
        // First, rectify the value of gStart
        var gMessages = document.getElementsByClassName("message" , $("messages"));
        if (gStart < 0) {
                gStart = 0;     // Show at most from 0th message
        if (gStart > gMessages.length - 1 ) {
                gStart = gMessages.length - 1;  // Show at least one message
        // Hide some of the messages, but show some
                if (i<gStart) {
                        (gMessages[i]).style.display = "none";
                } else {
                        (gMessages[i]).style.display = "block";

function gInit() {
        // Load the messages from the server
        var ajaxObj = new Ajax.Updater("gMessages", "/~adrian/wedding/gLoad.php", {method:'get'});
        // And adjust the display
        gStart = 0;

and the HTML part is as follows:

<div id="guestbook">
    <!-- Input box -->
    <div id="signTips" onclick="inputbox.toggle();"><a href="#">Sign our guest book!</a></div>
    <div id="input">
        <tr><th><label for="name">Name</label></th><td><input type="input" id="name"/></td></tr>
        <tr><th><label for="email">Email</label></th><td><input type="input" id="email"/> (for us to keep contact with you)</td></tr>
        <tr><th><label for="message">Message</label></th><td><textarea id="text" rows="7"></textarea></td></tr>
        <tr id="submit"><th>&nbsp;</th><td><a href="#" class="button" onClick="gSubmit(); inputbox.hide();">Submit</a></td></tr>
    <!-- Message list -->
    <div id="messagearea">
        <div id="up" onClick="gScrollUp();"></div>
        <div id="down" onClick="gScrollDown();"></div>
        <div id="gMessages"></div>

The signTips div is to allow people to hide or show the input form (the table). It is, again, using moo.fx to do the hide/show effect. The code is very brief:

var inputbox;
addLoadEvent(function() {
        inputbox = new fx.Combo('input', {height: true, opacity: true, duration: 500});

The table is to let people to input the data. When you click on the submit anchor, the form would be submitted through AJAX. The gMessages div is to hold the messages. From the JavaScript, we can see that the submit function is just to collect all the fields and make it up as a query string format and then submit it using an AJAX object. Finally, reload the messages.

The messages are reloaded by using the Ajax.Updater, which the server-side PHP will construct the HTML for us. The interesting part is that, I don’t want my page to be messed up by the scroll bar the the right. Hence I want to use the CSS to prevent scrolling. I created both an up and a down button for people to scroll my messages. It is done by manipulating the display CSS options of individual messages.

My guest book needs some PHP backend. I used a directory to hold all guestbook messages (as plain text files). The format is newline-delimited, where the first to fourth lines are respectively the guest’s name, email, timestamp, IP address. The rest is the message text. The PHP script I used to retrieve all the messages in reversed chronological order is this one:

header ("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");  // for HTTP/1.1
header ("Pragma: no-cache");                          // for HTTP/1.0

$filenames = array();
$dir = 'guestbook';

// Get all files
if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
        while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) {
                if (is_file("$dir/$file") !== true) {
                // We found a file, put it into filenames list
                $filenames[] = "$dir/$file";

// Sort in reverse chronological order, then output
foreach($filenames as $filename) {
        if (($fp = @fopen($filename, "r")) !== false) {
                // Read the file into arrays
                $buffer = array();
                while (!feof($fp)) {
                        if ($i>4) {
                                $buffer[4] .= "<br/>".trim(fgets($fp));
                        } else {
                                $buffer[$i] = trim(fgets($fp));

                // and print an HTML
                echo ""."<div class=\"message\">\n".
                        "<div class=\"name\">".$buffer[0]."</div>\n".
                        "<div class=\"date\">".$buffer[2]."</div>\n".
                        "<div class=\"text\">".$buffer[4]."</div>\n".

and the script to save a new message is the following:

$dir = 'guestbook';

$name = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['name']),$allowedTags);
$email = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['email']),$allowedTags);
$filename = date('U');
$date = date('r');
$message = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['msg']),$allowedTags);

// Write to file
if (($fp = @fopen("$dir/$filename.txt", "w")) !== false) {


Microsoft’s browser sucks!

In Mozilla/Firefox, it is really standards-compliant and I finish my CSS setting correctly and nicely. However, IE cannot correctly show the effect I want. Hence I have to do some browser-detection. The way I did this is to use a PHP script to detect which and which and then return the right CSS text. The code is as follows:

header( "Content-type: text/css" );

$fp = null;
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'MSIE')===false) {
        // Mozilla
        $fp = fopen("wedding.moz.css", "rb");
} else {
        // Microsuck
        $fp = fopen("", "rb");

// Output
while (!feof($fp)) {
        echo fread($fp, 8192);