The paper describe about DSW algorithm, a \(O(N)\) time and \(O(1)\) space transformation of binary search tree to rebalance it.

Day’s algorithm

Given an unbalanced search tree, first convert the tree into a linked list (tree with only right child on each node), then compress the tree in several iteration to convert the linked list into a balanced search tree.

Day’s original paper is on Fortran with no support to recusion and pointers. It uses a threaded binary tree to work around that.

ILB(K) = pointer to left child to node K
IRB(K) = pointer to right child to node K

Threaded binary tree: back-pointers to control the traversal, so as to workaround Fortran’s lack of recursion

  • IRB(k) is positive (array index) to point to the right child
  • IRB(k) is negative to point to the next node to backtrack in traversal

The algorithm. First phase: transform the binary search tree into a linked list (the “backbone”, or “vine”)

/* Create the "degenerated tree"
 * make node has no left child but only right child, and right child is a linked list
 * head will hold the beginning node of the linked list,
 * and size will tell how many nodes in it
void DSW::Strip( BasePtr node, BasePtr &head, int &size )
    if ( node == NULL ) return; // empty, nothing shall be done
    BasePtr left = node->left;  // remember left child
    node->left = NULL;          // degenerated tree has all left == NULL
	// recursively degenerate the right branch first
	Strip( node->right, head, size );
	// whatever becomes the head of the right branch will become right child
	// of this node. If this node has no right child, the head will remain
	// to be what's passed in
	node->right = head;
	head = node;                // this node will become the new linked list head
	Strip ( left, head, size ); // recursively do the left branch

// Usage:
int size = 0;
BasePtr head = NULL;
Strip(bst_root, head, size);

Second phase: Convert degenerated tree into balanced tree, using repeated leftward rotations. Tree has a single “pseudo-root” node, which only has the right child. That child is the root of the actual tree.

%                %
 \                \
  B*               D
 / \              / \
A   D     -->    B   E
   / \          / \ 
  C   E        A   C
/* Perform a number of count of leftward rotation on the tree identified by its root node
void DSW::compression ( BasePtr root, int count )
    BasePtr scanner = root;
    for ( int j = 0; j < count; j++ ) {   // leftward rotations on scanner's right child
        BasePtr newleft = scanner->right; // newroot = D
		scanner->right = newleft->right;  // B.right = E
		scanner = scanner->right;         // scanner = E (shift down scanner)
		newleft->right = scanner->left;   // D.right = E.left
		scanner->left = newroot;          // E.left = D
		/* original scanner node and its left child are not changed:
		    A[scanner]      A
		   / \             / \
		      C               E[scanner]
		     / \     ->      / \
		    B   E           C
		       / \         / \
		      D           B   D
	/* The for-loop above make 2*count nodes down on the right from the root into only
	   count nodes down, with the other count nodes move to left branch of some other

// Loop structure taken directly from Day’s code
void DSW::vine_to_tree ( BasePtr root, int size )
	int NBack = size - 1;
	for ( int M = NBack / 2; M > 0; M = NBack / 2) {
		compression ( root, M );
		NBack = NBack - M - 1;
	/* From linked list of N nodes to tree with depth N/2 and each node carrying
	   one left child, then each loop double the depth of each node's left branch
	   and halfed the depth of the right branch

Illustration of each loop in vine_to_tree() with % as the pseudo-root:

%                %                 %
 \                \                 \
  A                B                 D
   \              / \               / \
    B      ->    A   D     ->     B     F
     \              / \          / \   / \
      C            C   F        A   C E   G
       \              / \
        D            E   G

Stout and Warren’s algorithm

Improvement over Day’s algorithm. On the first phase, a rightward rotation is used instead to get rid of recursion structure.

// Tree to Vine algorithm: “pseudo-root” is passed
// comparable with a dummy header for a linked list.
void DSW::tree_to_vine ( BasePtr root, int &size )
    BasePtr vineTail, remainder, tempPtr;
    vineTail = root;
    remainder = vineTail->right;
    size = 0;
    while ( remainder != NULL )	{
		if ( remainder->left == NULL ) {
		    // no left subtree, remainder move to right
			vineTail = remainder;
			remainder = remainder->Right;
		} else {
		    // elimate left subtree by rightward rotation
		    // one node moved to parent of remainder and remainder move up one node
			tempPtr = remainder->left;
			remainder->left = tempPtr->right;
			tempPtr->right = remainder;
			remainder = tempPtr;
			vineTail->right = tempPtr;

On the second phase, not only a balanced tree, but also a complete tree (one with the bottom-most level filled from left to right) can be generated.

int FullSize ( int size )
	// Full portion of a complete tree
	int Rtn = 1;
	while ( Rtn <= size )     // One step PAST FULL
		Rtn = Rtn + Rtn + 1;  // next pow(2,k)-1
	return Rtn/2;
void DSW::vine_to_tree ( BasePtr root, int size )
	int full_count = FullSize (size); // find the expected depth of result tree
	compression(root, size - full_count);
	for ( size = full_count ; size > 1 ; size /= 2 )
	    // instead of compress by half of size, compress by a correct depth
		compression ( root, size / 2 );


The original Stout and Warren (1986) paper: Tree Rebalancing in Optimal Time and Space

Bibliographic data

   title = "One-Time Binary Search Tree Balancing: The Day/Stout/Warren (DSW) Algorithm",
   author = "Timothy J. Rolfe",
   journal = "SIGCSE Bulletin",
   volume = "34",
   number = "4",
   pages = "85--88",
   month = "December",
   year = "2002",