File Upload in AJAX

AJAX cannot do file upload, it is because due to the security concern, JavaScript is not supposed to be able to read from the user’s hard disk: but the browser can. [more]

Si j'etais Carla

近日在邊寫AJAX邊聽我的MP3收藏品,發現原來薛凱琪有首Si j’etais Carla(如果我是Carla),想不到這位小妹妹的發音一點也不差,望外。 [more]

natbib in LaTeX

When writing a sociological paper rather than a science paper, they prefer to use the American Psychology Association (APA) format for citations. In order to make this format work, you must include the LaTeX module natbib so that the author names can be handled correctly. [more]