These are really really old stuff.
I took the HKALE in 1999 and during 1998 to 1999, I created a set of notes for my revision. After I get into the university, I re-organized them up and put them into an archive. Unfortunately, my hard disk crashed in 2003 (possibly due to over-heat) and all my stuff are lost.
Recently, I get them back from a CD-ROM (I really don’t remember I have a copy on CD! Thanks Ronnie for that) and I put them here, in case somebody needs. The files are created using M$ Word 97.
PS: I found that the HKEA sucks…..the current syllabus is trimmed so much! No wonder I found the current freshmen are so dumb in certain aspects.
AL Chemistry
- Classification of questions
- Periodic Table
Physical Chemistry
- Atomic Structure
- Stiochiometry
- Electronic structure
- Energetics
- Bonding
- Shapes & Hybridization
- Energetics of Bond
- Bonding Intermediate
- Solid Crystal Structures
- Intermolecular Forces
- Chemical Kinetics
- Rate Equations
- Collision Theory
- Acid-Base Equilibria
- Redox Equilibria
- Phase Equilibria
Inorganic Chemistry
- Periodic Properties
- Hydrolytic Behavior
- s-Block Elements
- Halogens
- Nitrogen
- Sulphur
- d-Block Elements
Organic Chemistry
- Organic Compounds
- Isomerism
- Organic Reaction
- Hydrocarbons
- Halogeno-Compounds
- Hydroxy Compounds
- Carbonyl Compounds
- Carboxylic Acid
- Nitrogenous Compound
- Synthesis & Interconversion
Chemistry and Society
- Chemistry and environment
- Chemistry and food
AL Physics
- Classification of questions
- The Formula Sheet
- Data Treatment
- Mechanics
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Waves
- Matters
- Atomic Physics
AL Pure Mathematics
- Classification of questions
- Summary of important concepts
- Formulae and equations cheatsheet
- Formulae and equations cheatsheet, in B5 size
- Logic & Sets
- Mathematical Induction
- Binomial Theorem
- Limits
- Differentiation
- 2D Coordinate Geometry
- Polynomials & Equations
- Indefinite Integrals
- Inequality
- Determinants
- Definite Integration
- Matrix
- Sequence & Series
- 3D Coordinate Geometry
- Vector Algebra
- Polar Coordinate System
- Geometric Applications of Definite Integrals
- Complex Numbers
- Greek alphabets